gratification|gratifications in English


[grat·i·fi·ca·tion || ‚grætɪfɪ'keɪʃn]

satisfaction, fulfillment; pleasure

Use "gratification|gratifications" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gratification|gratifications" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gratification|gratifications", or refer to the context using the word "gratification|gratifications" in the English Dictionary.

1. Dull repetitious work gives no gratification.

2. Their longings and their gratifications depend upon a level of oestrogen which is Counteracted …

3. They were masters at delayed gratification.

4. Many ticket buyers want instant gratification.

5. Continence may be defined as abstinence from even the licit gratifications of marriage

6. It means delaying immediate gratification for future blessings.

7. He always obtained a subtle gratification from eavesdropping.

8. His son's success was a great gratification to him.

9. Gratification opened to him like a regained paradise.

10. This individual is concerned only with instant gratification.

11. Such cosmopolitanism has many gratifications, and it does add to the total enjoyment of cruising.

12. Brahminist 'aving left information for church's gratification (10) 14

13. To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap.

14. Debase through carnal gratification Familiarity information: Carnalise used as …

15. What does Appetitive mean? Having the quality of desiring gratification

16. The individual gains no narcissistic gratification from his ego ideal.

17. Guy was greedy, amoral, obsessed with power and self-gratification.

18. Spiritual values highlight long-range rewards, not short-term gratification.

19. Purchases simply satisfy the short-term need for self-gratification.

20. A feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby.

21. We live in a society where instant gratification is the norm.

22. Charioting Verb Reinacting Roman chariotracing with human beings for sexual gratification

23. People think of themselves and the maximum gratification of their desires.”

24. 4 Guy was greedy, amoral, obsessed with power and self-gratification.

25. Kitchen travail was for reward; now you get gratification without labour.